As the World Trade Organization marks the 30th anniversary of the Marrakesh Agreement, TESS invited articles from a diverse group of leading experts for a series titled Reviving multilateralism: From vision to action on trade and sustainability at the WTO. With the importance of environment and sustainable development taking on much greater salience at the WTO in recent years, the series was conceived as an opportunity for constructive reflection on the state of play in the multilateral trading system and how to put sustainability at the top of the agenda.
The majority of articles in this compilation were published online from February to September 2024 in Synergies, our blog dedicated to promoting inclusive policy dialogue at the intersection of trade, environment, and sustainable development, drawing on perspectives from a range of experts from around the world.
The experts contributing to the series were invited to address the following questions on a topic or theme that they wished to focus on:
- In light of the immense sustainability concerns confronting the world, what are the areas where action is most needed in the multilateral trading system?
- What does this imply in terms of agenda-setting processes or reforms that need to be considered at the WTO?
- What are the opportunities and practical next steps that can be taken to advance action or lay the foundations for such an agenda?
Bringing together the patchwork of perspectives and topics gathered through that editorial project, this compilation is not intended as a well-articulated agenda on trade and sustainability in the multilateral trading system, but rather to spur reflection by bringing together different voices and a snapshot of ideas on a variety of issues at the heart of current debates.
We hope that this compilation along with other efforts will help translate into action the vision of an international trading system that effectively addresses global environmental crises and advances sustainable development.
Explore the online series and download the compilation!

TESS at the World Trade Organization
This work is part of our initiative supporting inclusive cooperation on trade, environment, and sustainable development at the WTO.