
We foster inclusive, solution-oriented dialogue on trade, environment, and sustainable development.


We inform by facilitating access to policy-relevant updates, evidence, and analysis in accessible formats and building shared understanding.


We support action-oriented solutions, catalyse new initiatives, and introduce promising new perspectives and proposals into policy processes.


We support governments and stakeholders to monitor and participate effectively in relevant international processes, with a cross-cutting focus on supporting engagement of actors from developing countries.

Our Toolbox

We work to connect and inform policy discussions and stakeholders, facilitating the information flow and collaboration vital to constructive engagement in conversations on trade, environment, and sustainable development. We provide thought leadership on new approaches and actively support the incubation of new ideas and solutions that can be taken up by policymakers.

To achieve our goals, we deploy the following toolbox of activities:

We convene public briefings, high-level dialogues, expert meetings, and off-the-record informal discussions.

We inform and advise key stakeholders and government officials on strategic developments and opportunities.

We curate and produce policy-relevant analysis and briefings, working with a diverse array of international experts.

We support strategic collaborative initiatives and consultations.

Our Themes

Our work is currently organized around four core themes, reflecting the triple planetary crises of climate change, nature loss, and pollution, with a cross-cutting emphasis on trade-related cooperation that supports sustainable development, achievement of the SDGs, and implementation of multilateral environmental agreements.

Our four core themes are: climate crisis; natural environment; plastic pollution; and circular economy.

Our work also responds to evolving and emerging policy developments, both through and alongside our thematic work, and includes, among others, the following policy areas: subsidies; technology; sustainability, trade, and finance; standards and regulations; and environmental goods and services.

Alongside our work on thematic priorities and policy areas, we have cross-cutting initiatives on specific policy opportunities, processes, and perspectives at the intersection of trade, environment, and sustainable development.

International Advisory Network

TESS benefits from the support of a regionally diverse International Advisory Network (IAN) drawn from a broad range of international organizations, stakeholder groups, and research institutions. The IAN supports us through advice on emerging strategic policy developments, research, and collaboration opportunities.

Discover our network