As interest in the shift to a circular economy grows, there is also increasing attention to the trade and supply chain dimensions and the relevance of trade policies. To support a fair transition to a more resource-efficient, low-carbon, and safe circular economy that supports sustainable development, inclusive international cooperation on the trade dimensions will be vital.
To contribute to ongoing international discussions on the nexus of trade, circular economy, and sustainable development, TESS convened an international group of leading experts from the trade, environment, and sustainable development communities. Members of the group included experts from academia, think tanks, and intergovernmental and stakeholder organizations from a diversity of geographical origin and perspectives.
The group was asked to offer guidance on good practices and approaches to trade-related circular economy policies and measures, with the overarching goal of advancing sustainable development in its environmental, social, and economic dimensions.
This report is the result of that collective effort.
The report identifies 10 considerations to guide the design and implementation of trade-related circular economy policies and measures in ways that support advancing sustainable development and inclusive international cooperation on trade and sustainability. It examines the rationale behind each of these considerations and provides examples of good practices that can serve as guidance or inspiration in their design and implementation. The report also identifies specific areas where enhanced international cooperation will be required to pursue these good practices and suggests possible fora where this cooperation could take place.
Recommended citation: International Expert Group on Trade, Circular Economy, and Sustainable Development. (2024). Trade, Circular Economy, and Sustainable Development: Guidance on Approaches and Good Practices for the Design of Trade-Related Circular Economy Policies and Measures. Report of an International Expert Group. Forum on Trade, Environment, & the SDGs (TESS).
This report is co-published with

Expert Group on Trade, Circular Economy, and Sustainable Development
This work is part of our initiative on expert group guidance on the trade dimensions of circular economy policies.