The Leadership Group on Industry Transition (LeadIT) and TESS convened an informal roundtable to explore options on technology co-development for a just and equitable climate transition with a focus on heavy industry. The roundtable engaged senior participants from LeadIT members, as well as WTO delegations, international organizations, companies and other stakeholder organizations.
The Leadership Group for Industry Transition (LeadIT) is a public-private initiative co-chaired by the governments of India and Sweden, working to accelerate pathways towards an inclusive, just and equitable transition to net zero emissions from heavy industry. LeadIT was launched at the UN Secretary General’s Climate Action Summit in 2019 and comprises 18 member countries and 20 member companies.
The roundtable took place in person, with an option for remote interventions during the discussion. Participants included LeadIT member governments and companies, Geneva-based government officials involved in discussions of trade, technology and sustainability and in the wider multilateral trade seeing, as well as representatives of international organizations.
The aim of the roundtable was to:
- Discuss challenges and opportunities around technology co development and green global public goods, including issues and implications in terms of intellectual property rights and trade
- Share experiences and best practice on dissemination of climate technologies, both in terms of policy initiatives and industry collaborations
- Identify policy priorities for inter-governmental cooperation as well as options for international collaboration and learning among governments and companies.
13:00 – 13:05 Welcome
- Carolyn Deere Birkbeck, Executive Director, TESS
13:05 – 13:20 Introduction
- Per Andersson, Head of LeadIT Secretariat
- Aashish Chandorkar, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of India to the WTO
- Joakim Löfvendahl, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Sweden to the WTO
13:20 – 14:20 Structured roundtable
- Moderator, Robert Watt, Engagement Director, Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI)
Roundtable Speakers
- Corey Blackman, Senior Technical Advisor, SaltX
- Viktoria Karsberg, Head of Corporate Identity and Group
Communications, SSAB - Antony Taubman, Director, Intellectual Property Division, WTO
- Rana Ghoneim, Chief of the Energy Systems and Industrial
Decarbonization Unit, UNIDO - David Vivas Eugui, Chief of Section Ad Interim, Trade, Environment &
Sustainable Development Branch - Peter Oksen, Green Technology and Research Manager, Climate Change and Food Security, World Intellectual Property Organization
- Vice Yu, International Lawyer and Independent Consultant
- Marumo Nkomo, Counsellor Economic, Permanent Mission of South Africa to the WTO
Questions for discussion:
- What are key challenges and opportunities around technology co development and green public goods for the climate transition, including on trade and intellectual property rights?
- Where can existing experiences with collaborations and policy options tell us about solutions and opportunities?
- What are policy priorities and options for enhanced collaboration?
Opportunity for questions of clarification from participants
14:20 – 14:30 Coffee break
14:30 –15:55 Open roundtable discussion among all participants
15:55 – 16:00 Concluding remarks from co-hosts
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