Publication - Policy Brief

13 December 2023

Addressing the Climate Technology Gap Through Effective Technology Transfer

To hold global warming to between 1.5 and 2.0 degrees Celsius as stipulated in the Paris Agreement, the global energy and productive sectors must undertake a rapid and systemic low-carbon transformation. Much of the necessary emissions reductions can be achieved by deploying and expanding the use of existing, commercially proven technologies for climate mitigation, adaptation, and achieving climate-resilient development pathways.

The gap between developed and developing countries with respect to the development, access, and endogenous production and deployment of climate-relevant technologies is among the key constraints adversely affecting collective progress in global efforts to achieve sustainable development and effective climate action.

The policy brief provides an overview of international cooperation arrangements, commitments, and initiatives in relation to climate-related technology transfer to developing countries, and reviews the technology priorities as identified by developing countries in their technology needs assessments, technology actions plans, and nationally determined contributions. The paper then discusses key considerations related to transfer of climate-related technologies, challenges facing developing countries, and the trade-related linkages, before exploring various entry points for enhancing international cooperation on technology transfer and climate-related technologies in the WTO, UNFCCC, and elsewhere.

Recommended citation: Yu, V.P. (2023). Addressing the climate technology gap through effective technology transfer. Forum on Trade, Environment, & the SDGs (TESS).