The fifth round of negotiations for the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to end plastic pollution (INC-5) to be held in Busan, Republic of Korea in late November 2024 is an opportunity for the international community to establish the protection of human health and the environment as an objective of the treaty, and to ensure that the treaty’s provisions adequately integrate and reflect human health priorities together with environmental protection.
As the process to develop the legally-binding instrument on plastic pollution has advanced, there has been growing convergence among a diversity of governments that the objectives of the instrument should include the protection of the environment and human health from the adverse impacts of plastic pollution. To achieve this, it is key that the instrument’s objective is operationalized throughout the treaty text and in all core treaty obligations. This briefing note offers high level reflections on areas that members could consider for ensuring the protection of human health, building on the Chair’s Third Non-Paper.
Recommended citation: TESS. (2024). Considerations for ensuring the protection of human health through international cooperation in the global plastics treaty: Building on the Chair's Third Non-Paper. Forum on Trade, Environment, & the SDGs (TESS).
Global Plastics Treaty Negotiations
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plastics treaty negotiations.