
28 June 2024

What Do Developing and LDC Members Need to Implement Trade-Related Policies to Tackle Plastic Pollution?

This session, co-hosted by the WTO Dialogue on Plastic Pollution (DPP) and TESS at the 9th Global Review of Aid for Trade, presented the efforts of the DPP to identify and spur cooperation on the trade-related capacity building and technical assistance needs of developing and least developed members, small island developing states, and small vulnerable economies, and to consider plastic pollution and environmentally sustainable plastics trade in aid for trade.

The session reviewed the outcomes of a factual report addressing five key questions related to tackling plastic pollution in aid for trade, as well as the DPP's MC13 Statement, which highlights the importance of addressing trade-related capacity building and technical assistance needs. The efforts of the DPP are an example of the integration of trade considerations into the broader sustainable development agenda. Focusing on capacity building ensures that all members, especially those with limited resources, can actively participate in and benefit from trade-related initiatives and cooperation aimed at reducing plastic pollution.

The session contributed to increased awareness of the intersection between trade, trade policies, and plastic pollution, enhanced collaboration to leverage collective expertise and resources, identification of specific trade-related needs in addressing plastic pollution, and promotion of inclusive solutions that prioritize the needs of developing members, and lessons regarding the integration of environmental considerations into trade discussions and initiatives.



  • Shani Griffith-Jack, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Barbados to the United Nations
  • Xiaohui Zhang, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of China to the WTO
  • Sandra Averous-Monnery, Economic Officer, World Trade Organization
  • Henrique Silva Pacini Costa, Project Manager, United Nations Trade and Development
  • Anjali Acharya, Global marine plastics agenda, World Bank Group
  • Mahesh Sugathan, Senior Policy Advisor, Forum on Trade, Environment and the SDGs


  • Aik Hoe Lim, Director, Trade and Environment, WTO

Co-organized with the WTO Dialogue on Plastic Pollution, in partnership with the World Bank, UN Trade and Development, Barbados, and China.