TESS was pleased to contribute to the WTO Dialogue on Plastics Pollution (DPP) Pre-Plenary meeting on 23 November. At the meeting, we provided comments on the latest revised draft of a potential Ministerial Statement for the Thirteenth WTO Ministerial Conference (MC13).
In our comments, we highlighted that the statement will serve an important role in signalling momentum and the willingness of members to continue collective work at the WTO on the nexus of trade and plastic pollution, and to pursue concrete outcomes to contribute to international cooperation on plastic pollution.
Taken as a whole, the statement shows that the DPP has provided a valuable space for WTO members to review experiences, identify areas of convergence and challenges, and incubate ideas for collective action and partnerships.
In particular, we welcomed that the draft statement indicates not only a willingness to continue exploring and identifying interlinkages between plastic pollution and trade, but also agreement on the importance of pursuing international cooperation on a set of actions, on a voluntary basis, individually, and collectively, while recognizing different domestic capacities and priorities for action.
We noted, with particular interest, the reference to the proposed launching of a mechanism to match existing funding opportunities with specific needs identified by developing members, particularly LDCs, SVEs, and SIDS, to implement trade-related policies and measures to tackle plastic pollution.
We also welcomed the reference in the revised draft to the development of a new DPP workplan in the months following MC13, and that members will seek further concrete, pragmatic, and effective outcomes on these actions and understandings at the latest by MC14.
Additionally, we think it would send a valuable signal if, alongside the Ministerial Statement, a number of DPP members seized MC13 as an occasion to make reference to specific trade-related actions to tackle plastic pollution that they are taking or considering individually or together with other members.
The Pre-Plenary meeting was also an opportunity to provide comments on an accompanying compilation document that includes trade-related measures already being adopted to tackle plastic pollution as well as examples of products subject to these measures. While recognizing that there are important issues for further reflection, we think the compilations provide a useful substantive reference point for ongoing conversation, including on important questions some delegations have noted around topics like products and materials for reduction, effective and environmentally sound and safe non-plastic substitutes and alternative plastics, and additional options for trade-related action and cooperation.
You can read a WTO news item summarizing the DPP meeting and also download the latest revised draft of a possible MC13 statement that was discussed at the meeting.
We note, with particular interest, the reference to the proposed launching of a mechanism to match existing funding opportunities with specific needs identified by developing members, particularly LDCs, SVEs, and SIDS, to implement trade-related policies and measures to tackle plastic pollution.
TESS statement to the DPP Pre-Plenary meeting
We encourage you to read our statement in full.