
04 October 2024

Road to Busan | Plastics Treaty Talks: Updates and the View to the Finish Line

TESS Executive Director Carolyn Deere Birkbeck spoke at this event, co-organized by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) Earth Negotiations Bulletin (ENB) and the Geneva Environment Network (GEN) within the framework of the Geneva Beat Plastic Pollution Dialogues.

As governments and stakeholders prepare for the final negotiating session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment, this panel aimed to review and update on the state of play, the latest developments on the process and substance, and priorities and key challenges for ongoing efforts to forge convergence.

Since the INC-4 in Ottawa in April 2024, major intersessional work has been taking place, including the ad hoc intersessional open-ended expert groups online and in-person meeting, the Ministerial-level meetings in the margins of the UN General Assembly, and the Heads of Delegations meetings to prepare for Busan. This event therefore provided an opportunity to review these recent developments and allow governments and stakeholders to revisit what they view as key priorities for an ambitious and effective treaty text. The dialogue aimed to highlight what the negotiations must focus on, as well as thoughts on key challenges and how to address them.

This event explored what to expect on the remaining road to INC-5 and in Busan especially:

  1. Updates from intersessional work
  2. Key priorities for the treaty text and key elements on which negotiations need to focus most on achieving convergence? What are the key challenges to convergence and how to address them?
  3. Options and appetite for addressing upstream parts of the plastic lifecycle
  4. State of play on finance for implementation


  • H.E. Ambassador Luis VAYAS VALDIVIESO, Chair, INC Plastic Pollution, Ecuador
  • David AZOULAY, Director of the Geneva Office and of the Environmental Health Program, Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL)
  • Bethanie CARNEY ALMROTH, Professor at Gothenburg University | Member of the Steering Committee of the Scientists’ Coalition for an Effective Plastics Treaty
  • Mariamalia JIMÉNEZ, Head of Delegation, Costa Rica | Member of the High Ambition Coalition to End Plastic Pollution
  • Albert MAGALANG, Chief Environmental Management Specialist, Climate Change service, DENR Central Office, Philippines
  • Allison LIN, Global Vice President of Packaging Sustainability and Chief Circularity Officer, Mars Inc and Member, Business Coalition for a Global Plastics Treaty
  • Tallash KANTAI, Team Leader/Writer, IISD Earth Negotiations Bulletin
  • Carolyn DEERE BIRKBECK, Executive Director, Forum on Trade, Environment & SDGs (TESS)

Road to Busan | Plastics Treaty Talks: Updates and the View to the Finish Line

You can view this video of the webinar.

Co-organized by